Episodes tagged: Paul Ford

The podcast about what to do next.

  • Humility is Fun

    [00:00:00] Rich Ziade: Everyone, my name is Rich Ziade I’m one half of the Ziade and Ford Podcast, and I’d like to introduce you to my six-year-old co-host Paul Ford. He’s in the first grade. Hi Paul. Paul Ford: Hi! This is me, Paul Ford. I’m six, uh, the the other co-host.Uh, why did you…

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  • Paul is Changing

    Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Hey, I’m Paul Ford. Rich Ziade: And I’m Rich Ziade. Paul Ford: This is Ziade Ford Advisors and, uh, we’ll get to the advice in a minute, but Rich, let’s get personal today. Rich Ziade: Ookay. Paul Ford: Around Christmas, I came to you and I said “something weird is happening”. Rich…

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  • Rich Needs It by Tuesday

    Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Hey Rich. Rich Ziade: Hey Paul. Paul Ford: So last episode we talked about how I am now the CEO of Aboard and that I have a lot of new responsibilities. I need to, you know, you gave me some coaching, I’m holding people accountable. That was really helpful, thank you. Rich…

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  • Paul Needs It by Thursday

    Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Okay Rich, Ziade Ford Advisors is the name of the podcast. Rich Ziade: Welcome everyone, the audience is growing. Paul Ford: It is. Rich Ziade: Holy moly. Paul Ford: Holy moly. I, uh, I need advice Rich Ziade: Oh… Paul Ford: Once again. Paul Ford: So, you and I used to run…

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  • Kids Today!

    Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Uh Rich, you know we often prepare these, we do like 40 minutes of prep. We rehearse, we write things down. Rich Ziade: Oh, good production doesn’t come free. Paul Ford: Yes, and today you said, I don’t wanna do any of that. You sit down and we’re gonna do the greatest…

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  • Proverbs

    Ziade and Ford ADVISORS right? Well you know the oldest kind of advice? Proverbs. Paul picks out some interesting ones to see what happens. Thoughts ensue. Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Ziade and Ford Advisors, that is the name of this podcast. It is about sharing good advice. My name is Paul Ford. Rich Ziade: And I’m Rich Ziade.  Paul…

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  • Layoffs

    Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Man Rich, remember the how the tech industry was always go, go, go– grow, grow, grow. Rich Ziade: Mmmmm. Paul Ford: And now let me, let me give you some names: Microsoft, Google- Rich Ziade: Okay…  Paul Ford: Facebook, Spotify, huge layoffs all across the industry. Rich Ziade: A lot of tech layoffs these days. Paul Ford: Yeah. Rich…

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  • Adapting to AI

    Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Hey, Rich. Rich Ziade: Hey Paul. You alright? Paul Ford: Proteus. Rich Ziade: Pardon? Paul Ford: That’s the name of the robot that replaced me at the factory. Rich Ziade: Oh, it moves the boxes around and keeps track of stuff. Paul Ford: It used to be like, I go in, I get my coffee, they’d be like,…

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  • Stopping By

    Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Hey, Rich. How you doing? Rich Ziade: Every so often it just hits like a lightning strike and you, you take a leap beyond just giving advice and instead you just end up changing the world. Paul Ford: Great, that’s a wonderful way to start this podcast. It sets the stakes very low, and there’ll be…

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  • Retail Futures: The Circus Comes to Town

    Paul and Rich talk about modern shopping experiences—and how big box retail is increasingly like a warehouse for online orders, while more and more commerce becomes focused around community and live events. Paul Ford: [00:00:00] Rich, I went to Walgreens the other day. Rich Ziade: Oh… Paul Ford: And you have to page someone now to get the shampoo.…

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